名称 | 中国星火俱乐部 - China XH Club |
拥有者 | SuYiChen2021 |
口号 | 星星之火可以燎原 - A single spark can start a prairie fire |
vtc创建时间 | 2020-12-05 05:44:58 |
QQ群 | 825453208 |
YY频道 | 1456669586 |
VTC人数 | 110 |
VTC资料 | https://truckersmp.com/vtc/30093 |
招聘 | 开启 |
支持 | 欧卡 |
网址 | https://xinghuoclub.mysxl.cn |
类型 | 车队 |
状态 | 正常 |
浏览量 | 3079 次 |
联系邮箱 | [email protected] |
discord | https://discord.gg/yCwHkCZNkr |
youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDOelwQsXjo9BarmfBi3FRw/featured |
我们没有任何活动规则。如果您不想参加车队,则不必参加。我们知道有些用户更喜欢探索ETS2 / ATS的道路,而不是驾驶车队,而其他人则喜欢做车队!我们是一个全新的的VTC。我们拥有超过100名成员,并且还在不断壮大,我们努力让卡车运输重新开始!
● 在申请之前,您必须在我们的QQ群中。如果您被 China XH Team 接受,您将被授予司机角色.
● 您必须在 TruckersMP 网站上拥有一个已激活的帐户。
● TruckersMP 规则的标准知识
●喜爱欧洲卡车模拟 美国卡车模拟
●为了车队统一请把YY名字,联机名字,QQ群名字 游戏前缀更改下面是格式:
联机名字:[GJT-VTC]–xxx 注意:名字开头大写
中国星火俱乐部是一家虚拟公司,成员来自亚洲各地和欧洲一些喜欢一起开车的国家。星火俱乐部成立于2020年12月4日。我们从一个小型职业训练局发展而来,现在不仅在亚洲,而且在欧洲都成为了一个大型职业训练局。我们还为司机提供了虚拟卡车运输的最佳体验。 我们与其他职业训练中心不同,我们没有严格的活动规则。我们不是强迫成员在一周内参加每一次旅行,但事实上,对我们来说,这是相反的,我们不强迫成员参加每周多少次旅行或车队。只要你有空,你就可以加入我们。这将有助于我们的司机在星火俱乐部时减轻压力。我们希望我们的成员在星火大家庭中感到舒适和快乐。 非常感谢您选择星火1俱乐部。希望你们玩得开心,和我们一起玩得开
China Spark club is a virtual company with members from all over Asia and some European countries who like to drive together. Spark club was established on December 4, 2020. We have developed from a small Vocational Training Council, and now we have become a large Vocational Training Council not only in Asia, but also in Europe. We also provide drivers with the best experience of virtual truck transportation. Unlike other vocational training centers, we don't have strict activity rules. We don't force members to participate in every trip in a week, but in fact, for us, this is the opposite. We don't force members to participate in how many trips or convoys per week. You can join us as long as you are free. This will help our drivers reduce stress when they are at the spark club. We hope our members will feel comfortable and happy in the spark family. Thank you very much for choosing spark 1 club. I hope you have a good time with us
QQ: 3336154936
QQ群: 875726556
YY频道: 1456669586
Discord服务器: 点击此处跳转
QQ: 3336154936
QQ group: 875726556
YY channel: 1456669586
Discord Server: Click here to join
Here are some rules we need to follow during the event.