名称 | ZX_ClUB 中国众鑫俱乐部 |
拥有者 | kuai shou TV-hao nan |
口号 | 不惹事,不怕事, 来者就是兄弟!! |
vtc创建时间 | 2021-12-08 15:22:46 |
QQ群 | 364732718 |
YY频道 | 248791 |
VTC人数 | 143 |
VTC资料 | https://truckersmp.com/vtc/50927 |
招聘 | 开启 |
支持 | 欧卡 美卡 |
网址 | https://www.cnqihangzhe.com |
类型 | 车队 |
状态 | 正常 |
浏览量 | 1193 次 |
联系邮箱 | 1666359953@qq.com |
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https://www.facebook.com/?sk=welcome&email_confirmed=1666359953%40qq.com |
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https://discord.com/invite/truckersmp |
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPTxQaaDaWU |
,中国众鑫俱乐部由启航者运输车队更名而来,俱乐部成立于2018年8月20日,我们秉承着友好的态度对外招收本体,全套新老玩家,招收有经验的管理员,我们没有太多的条条框框,只要你不乱来,听从我们管理员的指挥和安排就行来着就是兄弟我在众鑫俱乐部等着你,接待交流群:364732718,yy语音:248791English: Welcome to join the China Zhongxin Club, the China Zhongxin Club was renamed from the ship transport team, the club was founded on August 20, 2018, we uphold a friendly attitude to recruit ontology, a full set of new and old players, recruit experienced administrators, we don't have too many rules and regulations, as long as you don't mess around, Listen to our administrator's command and arrangement on the line is the brother I am waiting for you in Zhongxin club, reception exchange group: 364732718, yy voice: 248791
English: team benefits: 'accelerator, full set of code files, team exclusive dashboard, cash red envelopes, team customized gifts'
1. 加车队需年满16周岁!
2. 有清晰的麦克风,YY里可以正常交流!
3. 联运期间要听从管理员指挥,不能随意超车,变道,恶意别车,随意停车!
4. 联运期间中途有事需要出门或者下线需YY里报告给管理员,然后车辆停靠在应急车道后下线!5. 行车中如发现前车出现较小的瞬移,请与前车保持适当车距,如延迟较大,可YY报告瞬移车辆,管理员同意后,瞬移车辆打开双闪靠应急车道停车,等到尾车,之后跟住尾车前进即可!
6. 如行车中遇到掉线,如在小路,将车移动到道路白线以外下线重上,如在高速移动到紧急停车车道重上!
7. 变道,转弯之前需查看左右后视镜,以防撞到他人!
8. 联运中管理员宣布中途停车,请注意看右下角导航公里数,切勿车速过快冲过头!路边停车应提前靠右减速!
9. 存档将在车队专用工具箱里发(存档不可外泄,私自传给好友,分享給他人),上存档时询问是否为安全区,如不在安全区,上存档后需立即移动车辆。
10. 联运过程中,禁止开爆闪,跟车禁止开远光灯。禁 止游戏中打字丶语音谩骂国人老外!《备注:如果在联运或者自己私下跑车时辱骂他人而被骂者或者车队找我们,本车队一概不管》11. 联运中不可以私自改装车辆(内饰除外),如需改装内饰请先请示管理员,管理员同意后可去改装,改装之前请记住路线标记点!!
12. 联运中管理员宣布中途停车,请注意看右下角导航公里数,切勿车速过快冲过头!路边停车应提前靠右减速!
13. 联运期间头尾车,管理员卡麦的时候,队员包括其他管理员请勿抢麦!
14. 也是最重要1点,上游戏必须上YY,且要有麦克风,听从指挥管理!!15. 在联运期间需和前车保持60米到80米的安全车距!
16. 车队总结..综合以上内容.如发现不听指挥者.1次警告.2次停联. 多次发现逐出车队
English: the motorcade must be at least 16 years old! `
With a clear microphone, YY can communicate normally!
During the combined transport to follow the administrator's command, can not overtake, lane change, malicious don't car, parking at will!
During the intermodal period, if you need to go out or go offline, you need to report to the administrator in YY, and then the vehicle will park in the emergency lane and go offline! `
If the vehicle in front appears small transient movement during driving, please keep an appropriate distance from the vehicle in front. If the delay is large, YY can report the transient vehicle. With the consent of the administrator, the transient vehicle can turn on the double flash and park in the emergency lane, wait for the tailgating vehicle, and then follow the tailgating vehicle and move forward!
Such as driving encountered line drop, such as in the path, the car will move to the road white line outside the line weight, such as at high speed to move to the emergency parking lane weight!
When changing lanes, check your left and right mirrors before turning to avoid bumping into others! `
Please pay attention to the navigation mileage in the lower right corner. Do not overdo the speed too fast! Roadside parking should slow down on the right in advance!
The archiving will be sent in the special toolbox of the fleet (the archiving can not be leaked, but can be privately passed to friends and shared with others). When archiving, please ask whether it is a safe zone. If it is not in a safe zone, please move the vehicle immediately after archiving.
In the process of combined transportation, it is forbidden to open flash and high beam after the car. Prohibit typing in the game, voice abuse Chinese foreigners! Note: if in the combined transport or their own private sports car abuse others and the scold or the team to find us, the team will not care"
It is not allowed to modify the vehicle (except the interior) in intermodal transportation, if you need to modify the interior, please ask the administrator first, the administrator can agree to modify, please remember the route marking points before modification!
Please pay attention to the navigation mileage in the lower right corner. Do not overdo the speed too fast! Roadside parking should slow down on the right in advance! `
During the first and last vehicles, when the administrator card, members including other administrators do not grab the mic!
Is also the most important 1 point, the game must be YY, and there must be a microphone, follow the command and management!! `
Maintain a safe distance of 60 to 80 meters between vehicles in front during intermodal transportation!
Fleet summary.. Summary of the above. If found disobey the command, 1 warning and 2 disconnection. Repeatedly found evicted motorcade '