名称 | 中国领跑俱乐部-Chinese Leading club |
拥有者 | CN-[LP-Club]-Xiaoxin |
口号 | 中国领跑俱乐部欢迎您的加入-Chinese Leading club welcome you to |
vtc创建时间 | 2022-05-29 11:56:26 |
QQ群 | 307555223 |
YY频道 | 1457256666 |
VTC人数 | 14 |
VTC资料 | https://truckersmp.com/vtc/55164 |
招聘 | 开启 |
支持 | 欧卡 |
类型 | 车队 |
状态 | 正常 |
浏览量 | 1682 次 |
联系邮箱 | 784632890@qq.com |
![]() |
https://discord.gg/s6x6pn4vTt |
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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIsO-2TkvxrGOetr1IVqOcg |
中国领跑俱乐部 成立于2022年5月1日,欢迎各位玩家加入
中国领跑俱乐部成立于2022年5月1日,现有队员100余人,日平均人数达20余人。你在这里不会感到孤独,因为我们每周都有娱乐、联运、大型活动。优秀的管理团队,当你需要的时候,他们随时准备帮助你。 与其他职训局不同,我们没有严格的活动规则。而不是强迫成员在一周内进行2到3次联运,但事实上,对我们来说,这是相反的,我们不强迫成员每周加入多少次联运。只要你有空,你可以加入我们。这将有助于我们玩的开心,释放压力。我们希望我们的成员在领跑俱乐部的大家庭中感到舒适和快乐。就这样,领跑俱乐部成为了一个比其他团队友好、舒适得多的社区。
China Leading Club was founded on May 1, 2022, with more than 100 players, and the daily average number of players is more than 20. You won't feel lonely here because we have entertainment, couplings and big events every week. Great management team, they are ready to help you when you need them. Unlike other VTC, we do not have strict rules for our activities. Instead of forcing members to do two or three combined shipments a week, but in fact, for us, it's the opposite, we don't force members to join the combined shipment how many times a week. Whenever you are free, you can join us. It will help us to have fun and release pressure. We want our members to feel comfortable and happy in the leading club family. In this way, the Leaders Club became a much friendlier and more comfortable community than the other teams.
联运规则 1:严禁超车,严禁并行 (特殊情况和管理说,安排超车)
2:延迟高、丢包率高的队员,请到车队队尾 (听管理安排位置)
6:严禁改车辆和货柜外观 (内饰,发动机,变速箱可以改)
1: No overtaking, no parallel (Special circumstances and management said, arrange overtaking)
2: For the team members with high delay and high packet loss rate, please go to the end of the team (Listen to the management arrange the position)
3: It is strictly prohibited to draw dragons, do not drive according to the route
4: It is forbidden to say nothing about the combined transportation (except flying)
5: It is strictly prohibited to open the high beam, otherwise you can not see the brake lights of the car in front (except release)
6: It is forbidden to change the appearance of vehicles and containers (Interior trim, engine, gearbox can be changed)
7: If you have your own business, use the turn signal in advance, and then stop by the emergency lane
8: Brake with the point brake, brake before the double flash
9: Keep a distance between the car in front of you
10: Found a car in chaos, followed the report (listen to the management arrangement)
11: Intermodal team members to join the team Discord Channel , follow the management command
在申请我们的职训局之前,请务必先看看要求: 你至少18岁了。 你必须在Steam上有Euro Simulator 2。 联运期间必须进入YY, 有清晰的麦克风。 车队每天联运时间为晚上8:30到10:00(最迟),晚上7点开始集合。 联运过程中,听从指挥,禁止超头车。 你必须始终遵守卡车司机规则,以负责任的态度驾驶。 联运期间禁止超车,禁止穿模,禁止影响他人。 遵循TruckersMP游戏规则。 车队散人聊天群:307555223 车队审核群:307555223 车队YY:1457256666
Before applying to our VTC, please read the requirements:
You're at least 18 years old.
You must have Euro Simulator 2 on Steam.
During combined transportation, it must be entered into YY with clear microphone.
The CONVOYS WILL RUN from 8:30PM TO 10:00PM (latest) and assemble FROM 7:00PM.
In the process of combined transportation, follow the command and prohibit overtaking the first vehicle.
You must always follow the trucker rules and drive responsibly.
Overtaking, wearing molds, and influencing others are prohibited during combined transportation.
Follow the TruckersMP rules.
Chat group: 307555223
Fleet Audit Group: 307555223
Fleet YY: 1457256666